We are working to create a Cincinnati that works for all of us! Together, we can ensure that all individuals, regardless of how much money we have or what zip code we live in, can have a safe place to call home!
We believe that we are the solution! We are working to build grassroots power among everyday people to ensure that those of us whose backs are against the wall in the struggle for liberation and justice have a seat at the table so that our needs are met.
Rent is too damn high!
Last year, rents rose more in Cincinnati than in any other city in the entire country! In fact, for the last four years, Cincinnatians have experienced one of the fastest growing general rent increases in the United States! Today, one out of every three households in our city are paying more than they can really afford on housing.
Because of our affordable housing shortage, hardworking, everyday people like childcare workers, school bus drivers, home health aides, custodians, retail and food service workers, recreation center employees, and government retirees are struggling to keep their heads above water. It doesn't have to be this way!
Homeownership is out of reach!
It is getting harder for folks to stay in the homes they own. Seniors and those of us with fixed incomes are being pushed out due to rising costs of repairs and maintenance. Homeownership for families with low incomes is already out of reach and is quickly getting out of reach for families with moderate income!
We need housing NOW!
Despite more than four years of advocacy, our City Council has not put a single dollar of public money into our original Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Fund 439), which is designed to make sure that our dollars are used to meet our true needs for affordable housing. They have instead diverted money into other funds funding two bedrooms that may cost as much as $1,750 per month. That’s not affordable housing! Our leaders refuse to do what is right. So it is time to take power into our own hands. People's lives, and the health and wellbeing of our city is at stake.
We are a grassroots movement of everyday people. People who are trying to make ends meet with limited resources. People who want to stay in our homes. People who need to find stable housing. People who want our neighbors to be able to stay in our communities. People who refuse to ignore the crisis of this moment because we believe that together we can create change. We are people willing to take bold action to ensure that all individuals, regardless of how much money we have or what zip code we live in, can have a safe place to call home. Together, we are Cincinnati Action for Housing NOW!
Together we can create a future where all of us can live in vibrant, thriving communities with access to health care, quality schools, and the freedom to make our own best lives for ourselves and our families.